Privacy Policy

Mathdoc and the general data protection regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation entered into force on May 25, 2018. The website of Mathdoc-Connect must comply with the 2016/679 Directive of the European Parliament .

Mathdoc is implementing measures to guarantee an optimum data protection and a minimal data collection.

Privacy policy

Owner and data controller

150 rue de la Chimie – CS 40700
38 058 Grenoble cedex 9

Data and Processing

Mathdoc processes the following data:

  • Browsing logs on the Mathdoc-Connect website.
    Types of processing: Collection, registration, preservation and destruction
  • E-mail address, first name, last name, ORCID ID of registered users.
    Types of processing: That user personnal data is collected on sign up and used to contact the user to share information regarding Mathdoc and the centre Mersenne's websites and applications.
    Addionnally, as a Single Sign-On application, Mathdoc-Connect will share these personal data with the trusted client websites requesting a remote authentication. See legal notices for more information.


Mathdoc-Connect, via its platform, doesn't sell Users personal data (e-mail address, first and last names). These collected information have deliberately been entered by Users, through actions on their behalf (connexion, sign up, form submission).

As a Single Sign-On website, Mathdoc-Connect will share your registered user personal data (e-mail address, first name, last name and ORCID ID) with a trusted client website when you are requested to login on Mathdoc-Connect from that very website
The use of this user personal data by a client website is relevant to that very website.

Data can be transmitted to third parties if the law requires it.

The rights of Users

Users may exercise certain rights regarding their Data processed by the Owner. In particular, Users have the right to do the following:

  • Modification or deletion of login information
  • Modification or deletion of personal data entered on Mathdoc-Connect published by other Mathdoc websites.
To that end, please contact Mathdoc at the following address:

Processing details

Browsing logs on the Mathdoc-Connect website

Logs are collected and saved to analyse server behaviour and possible malfunctions.
The data recorded in the logs are : IP address, date, request made (in the form of a URL), browser type and response status.
Recipient: Mathdoc IT service.

User personal data inputed by the User

The User e-mail address, first name, last name and ORCID ID are solely used to provide information about the User to trusted client websites.